I've never imagined my life to be so colorful and exciting! I packed my stuff and moved to Barcelona a year ago right after I graduated from university. And that was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was constantly lost, changed like 5 jobs in 3 months, got kicked out of the flat and almost left to Thailand (laughing and shaking my head now thinking about it). I fell in love with a wonderful man who lives across the Atlantic. Then moved to a tiny teeny room in front of the Picasso museum with no windows, two cats named Pablo and Picasso (no idea how I survived there 2 months) and a Moroccan landlord named Don Simon. After that moved to another flat with a Ukrainian crazy landlord. Then followed 3 months in Minnesota, US where it was constantly -20 degrees for 2 months. Now I'm back in Lithuania and am about to move back to where I started - Barcelona.
This time I'm going back with a plan! I'm going back to study what I really wanted for such a long time but was always afraid to say it out loud. After 4 years of linguistics studies and a year of teaching English, I'm going back to school for FASHION. This is why this blog was born. This blog was born, because Sophie and I went wrong ways choosing our careers after school and just now we're realizing that it's never too late to go for your dreams. Barcelona might be a great place to do that. So we're coming back!
Let's share our 20-something stories. This is the best time of our lives, isn't it? I know, it doesn't look like it most of the time ;)
queenie Sarune
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